logoOur Wonderful Products

   Your logo, Your BRAND!

LabeledBottlesPrivate label bottled spring water is a very powerful and easily affordable marketing tool for your business, organization, fundraiser or event. Whether you are giving the bottle away at a convention or selling it to your customers; Custom Labeled Bottles of Natural Spring Water convey a level of quality unmatched by that generic brand and leave behind a lasting impression. Do you want to set yourself apart from all the rest? Do you want to create a stronger brand image? Imagine the pleasure everyone will receive drinking your very own premium brand of custom label spring water and the cost effective advertising you will receive as well.


                                                         Sample Labels - 1 to 4 color









Go ahead, look around - how many people do you see carrying a bottle of water; everyone buys bottled water now. It's the healthiest beverage on the planet. Design your own label, use one of our pre-designed water templates or let us custom design a label with your logo on it just for you.

Artwork specification guidelines for Custom Labeling that need to be followed include a TRIM size of 8.25" x 2.50" and the art must bleed 1/8" on all sides beyond the trim. The 3/8" on the left side is an overlap/glue area. Background color and/or art must bleed through this area; but, no text, logo, bar codes, etc. 2400 dpi is preferred, minimum 600 dpi, otherwise we will review it on a case by case basis. Compressed ".ZIP" files should be sent to our Support Department.

CAT    Convenience  College 
Dealer    Dentist  Golf 
Gym    Homebuilder  Cowboy
Hotel42    Promo  RealEstate 
Wedding17    Wedding32  Wedding52

Businesses, organizations and functions of all types and sizes have put their "message on a bottle" for profit, promotion and fun! Whether you're a fortune 500 company or a local business, whether you're having a small wedding or one with thousands of people in attendance your very own personalized bottle of natural spring water draws thirsty customers back and tells your guests how much you appreciate their attending your special event.


Aqua Mojo Custom Label Bottled Spring Water has a world of possibilities.


Let us custom label bottles of spring water with your greeting, logo or message. No matter what your message, take advantage of the growing popularity of bottled spring water. The market for bottled water has been growing rapidly since the 1980's, increasing nearly 400% in the last decade according to a report from the IBWA.

Bottled water is now the second-most popular beverage in the United States and for many years has also ranked as the most vigorously growing category - remaining a beverage industry phenomenon.

Fresh from the spring, Custom Labeled Bottles of Water will thrill your clients and be an instant hit at trade shows as well as raise brand awareness. Personalized bottled spring water is a popular party favor and makes events like weddings and anniversaries special.

Not Just For Business branding or special events!

We have also built the finest "Zero-Cost" school fund raising program available. There is absolutely no expense to your school and you make 100% sales profit - it's that simple.

Go to our Contact Us page, fill in the World Web Form and click the Submit button, so we may contact you directly and show you just how easy it is for your school to get their very own Custom Label Bottled Spring Water. Then get paid for proudly displaying your School Mascot/Logo with absolutely no cost to your school. Just imagine how excited everyone (parents and children alike) will be enjoying their very own bottle of spring water with the School Mascot/Logo proudly displayed.

Custom Label Bottled Spring Water is a refreshing and healthy way to promote your school. And, don't forget to keep the vending machines, cafeteria and concession stands stocked well for all of your sporting and special school events. Our water is guaranteed to be pure, fresh natural spring water, without pollutants or additives and is available year-round.

Everyone knows you should drink 6 - 8 glasses of pure refreshing water a day for your health. And, our children are no different. Just because they have smaller bodies does not mean they need less of it. Water is in fact one of the most important nutrients for children. Often times when we read tips for nutrition for our children, they leave out important information about the intake of healthy fluids - especially water.

Water not only keeps children healthy, but also helps them to perform better in school. Without enough water, dehydration can lead to a reduction in both mental and physical performance. This can directly affect a child's classroom participation and even lower test scores.

Children are bombarded with cool ads for soft drinks and sugary energy drinks, but parents - please note that water is a far better choice and therefore children should be encouraged to drink more water for the sake of their health and well-being. Throughout the day children should drink plenty of water, as well as low fat milk and 100% all natural juices with no added sweeteners. After-all, the human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%.

Imagine your School Mascot/Logo proudly displayed on your very own brand of bottled water.



Finally, a fundraiser that's good for the children in more ways than one!

ask about our other great products.

Listed here are a few:

Reusable BPAfree          Qponomics-app 

glassthanks   glasswedding
glassthanks          Aromatherapeutics

More exciting items to come!

Aquatising is not only smart business, but good for your health.


P.O. Box 503
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670-0503
Phone: (731) GOT-MOJO or (731) 468-6656


watercharityIt is easy to take for granted ready access to a safe supply of drinking water. Yet, more than one billion people lack this most basic necessity. Creating accessible, safe water supplies in developing countries liberates people to live healthier, fuller, more productive lives. Aqua Mojo and its WaterPartners are on a mission to inspire people to act; develop high quality sustainable water projects; and enable donors to invest wisely. We exist to create a global awareness of the water supply crisis and to help people respond. Through careful investing of donors' funds in only the highest quality projects through local water development organizations. We hold ourselves accountable to our donors and to the people who benefit from the projects they support. Please, help support our cause and bring someone the joy of fresh clean water - one that most all of us are so blessed with and take for granted. Thank you for your kindness, Robert Colnar and Aqua Mojo.

Together - we can make a difference!

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